Frequently Asked Questions

Here is our list of the questions that our clients ask most. Review our FAQs for answers to many of the questions asked by our clients before the work with Ordered In All Things, LLC.

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Efficient Service

Each job is unique and targeted to meet the needs of each individual client, effectively and efficiently.

Secure payments

We offer secure and touch-less payment options through Zelle®, PayPayl®, or Square®.

The Coronavirus has affected us all in countless ways, and your safety is of the utmost importance to us. We have adopted the following best practices in order to insure the safety of our clients, as well as our organizers:

  1. Use of personal protective equipment during the duration of all client appointments. This will include facial masks and/or shields, gloves (when necessary), and shoes kept for inside use only.
  2. Frequent use of hand sanitizer and/or washing of hands with the availability of soap and water.
  3. Weather permitting, and in accordance with CDC recommendations, circulation of outdoor air into workspaces will be increased by having windows/doors open during client appointments.

How long will this process take?

Every organizational job is unique and targeted to meet the needs of each individual client. In general, we give our clients an estimated timeline at the conclusion of the initial consultation.

How much will this cost?

No matter what services our clients find themselves in need of, we are always conscious of budget. We bill hourly, with a 3-hour minimum. The overall cost of a job will depend upon the number of organizers needed.

How will I be billed?

Payment for services rendered are due at the close of each work session. Payments may be submitted electronically via Zelle®, PayPal®, or Square®.

What forms of payment do you accept?

We accept Visa, MasterCard, Discover and funds via bank transfers through Zelle®.

Do you work with hoarders?

Oftentimes we find that individuals or family members might assess a disorganized person as a hoarder, who is not. We are happy to work with them! In the event that a client’s needs are outside of our skill set, we will refer them to a colleague who is better able to meet their needs.

I’d like to go paperless, will you help me pair down?

Absolutely! Paper overload is the cause of much stress for many of our clients, so we work to help them pair down the amount of physical paper they keep by digitizing and electronically filing as much of their paper as possible.

Why would I hire a professional organizer?

For many people, getting control over their specific trouble spot is their greatest challenge. A professional organizer brings both fresh eyes and very specific skill sets to these challenges that assists clients in quickly gaining control. We then help clients learn how to maintain their newly organized spaces for the long term.

What is a professional organizer?

A professional organizer is a person who has advanced knowledge of organizational systems and processes which allow us to help our clients move from chaotic to organized situations.  In essence, we are problem solvers and teachers that help others live more productive and peaceable lives.

We are preparing to relocate, is packing/unpacking a part of your service offering?

Much of the stress of relocation is in the packing and unpacking! We are here to make that process much smoother by relieving our clients of the burden. We can help you pack or do the packing/unpacking for you, just let us know how we can best be of service to you!

Does Ordered In All Things offer interior design services?

While we hope to do so in the future, we do not offer interior design services at this time.  If you are interested in coupling interior design with our organizing services, we will be happy to refer you to our business partners and colleagues who are experts in that arena.

What about cleaning?

Clean and tidy go hand in hand, so we always leave our clients’ spaces “broom-swept” clean. We are happy to refer clients to our business partners that offer deeper cleaning services if desired.

What is your overall organizing process?

To start, we host an initial consultation with every client. It is important that we gain an understanding of the client’s needs and goals for the targeted space. Then we begin the process of clearing out, sorting and purging, containerizing and moving items back into the space with clearly defined, new homes.  We will follow-up with clients in about a week to access whether or not the new system is meeting their needs and if necessary, make adjustments that will fine-tune the system.