Homeschooling Consulting Services

As a homeschooling mother of eight for more than 20 years, Chanin L. King has a wealth of information pertinent to successfully operating a home while the children are actively learning within its walls.  Most of the time, new “schooling” parents are in need of an encouraging, yet knowledgeable person to help them find answers to common questions surrounding navigating the course of school in their home.  While we are NOT academic advisors nor taking enrollment to teach children, we DO help parents and guardians organize spaces, take control of their time commitments, and plan their activities in such a way that every student can succeed academically while mom/dad maintain their sanity!

We understand that in order to achieve that, there must be the RIGHT systems in place that takes into account the needs of the entire family, throughout the day. Whether you plan to home-school for the long-term, or conduct “school-at-home” for the duration of this health crisis, let Ordered In All Things help you achieve balance within your home & school.

What to Expect

  • We do not endorse nor recommend specific curricula for our clients.
  • We do not represent any accredited institutions.
  • The objective of this service is to assist parents and guardians prepare spaces and schedules that optimize student learning from home.

Get in touch today!

One of our representatives is ready to answer your questions.